Thursday 6 April from 6 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
The Night of the Valley : other models, other possible forms of agriculture and other ways to learn

As part of the exhibition The Valley by Fabrice Hyber, and the Voices of the Valley evening class series, the Fondation Cartier invites professionals, philosophers and actors of the agricultural community, to dialogue with the public in an effort to imagine the agriculture of tomorrow, its stakes, solutions, and alternatives.
Over the course of this evening event, three paths each composed of three discussions take you in the heart of The Valley to discover a whole series of innovative ideas!
Each time, two speakers will present their visions and practices on a wide variety of themes, from agroecology, breeding, seed cultures, urban farming, water and soil to agroforestry and short circuits.
Following the discussions, the public and guest speakers can further discuss issues over a tasting in honor offered by Le RECHO.
In the presence of Fabrice Hyber. With: Laure Beauffigeau, farmer and co-president of Terre de Liens Pays de la Loire; Jean-François Delaitre, farmer and president of the Association of biogas farmers of France; Agnès Ducharne, climatologist and hydrologist; Ambre Germain, executive director of Fermcoop/La Ferme de l’Envol; Nicolas Mirouze, wine producer and member of the Atelier Paysan; Gérard Munier, co-founder of the Paysan Urbain; Félix Noblia, farmer-researcher; Aurélie Trouvé, agricultural engineer and deputy; and Cédric Villani, mathematician.
Available on podcast shortly.
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En présence de Fabrice Hyber. Avec : Laure Beauffigeau, fermière et co-présidente de Terre de Liens Pays de la Loire ; Jean-François Delaitre, agriculteur et président de l’Association des Agriculteurs Méthaniseurs de France (AAMF) ; Agnès Ducharne, climatologue et hydrologue ; Ambre Germain, directrice exécutive de Fermcoop/La Ferme de l'Envol ; Nicolas Mirouze, vigneron et sociétaire de l’Atelier Paysan ; Gérard Munier, co-fondateur du Paysan Urbain ; Félix Noblia, paysan-chercheur et porte-parole de Fermes d’Avenir ; Aurélie Trouvé, ingénieure agronome et députée ; et Cédric Villani, mathématicien.