William Eggleston Paris

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Copublication Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris / Steidl, Göttingen

Bilingual English / French version

Hardback, 22 × 28 cm, 184 pages, 120 color reproductions

ISBN: 978-2-86925-084-0

Publication: April 2009

About the publication

In response to an invitation from the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, William Eggleston spent three years working on a major photography project in Paris. This series of photographs shows the city’s many facets: picturesque and cosmopolitan, sublime and vulgar, humdrum and extraordinary.
To coincide with his exhibition Paris, presented at the Fondation Cartier in 2009, William Eggleston created an outstanding book. It takes the form of a workbook, placing his photographs next to drawings inspired by them. Presented to the public for the first time, these pieces offer a unique insight into the creative process behind Eggleston’s work, revealing similarities in terms of both composition and intention while underlining his richly creative use of color.