Coloriages et fou rire avec Yue Minjun
Publication Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris
French version only
Softbound, 24 × 34 cm, 24 pagesISBN: 978-2-86925-100-7
Publication: November 2012
About the publication
In 2012, the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain presented the works of the Chinese painter Yue Minjun. With more than 40 paintings as well than 100 drawings, this exhibition was the first major restrospective of Yue Minjun in Europe. On this occasion, the Fondation Cartier produced a coloring book of drawings specially made by the artist. Yue Minjun adapted his self-portrait howling with laughter to give the book an amusing, wicked personality. This coloring book is a unique opportunity to discover some unpublished drawings by Yue Minjun. Coloriages et fou rire avec Yue Minjun is the fifth coloring book published by the Fondation Cartier.