Night of Uncertainty
Night of Trees led by the mathematician Cédric Villani
Late-night Opening
Location: Garden of the Fondation Cartier, View access map
This Night of Uncertainty is over
Night of Uncertainty
6 p.m., Night of Trees, led by the mathematician Cédric Villani.
With Emanuele Coccia (philosopher and author of The Life of Plants, Rivages, 2016), Raymond Depardon et Claudine Nougaret (filmmakers of Mon Arbre), Francis Hallé (botanist and biologist), Fabrice Hyber (artist), Stefano Mancuso (biologist, founder of the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology, Florence, Italy), Caroline Mollie (landscape architect and author of Des arbres dans la ville, Actes Sud, 2009), François-Michel Le Tourneau (geographer, CNRS Research Director), Miroslav Radman (genetic biologist)
This Night of Uncertainty gathers a community of artists, botanists and philosophers, around the mathematician Cédric Villani and in the framework of the exhibition Trees, to provide a fresh gaze on the plant world. Together, they will discuss how trees are able to sense, communicate, and protect in the heart of our environment. Can we speak of plant intelligence? How can the alliance between humans and trees be reconsidered in the 21st century, in light of the latest scientific discoveries? These stimulating questions will feature in a multidisciplinary debate, to which all are invited to contribute.
Followed by Eating Trees and their Inhabitants, based on a proposition by the artist Fabrice Hyber
In collaboration with the chef Sugio Yamaguchi from Botanique Restaurant.
The Night of Trees will be followed by a tasting on the theme of Eating Trees and their Inhabitants, an invitation for a gustatory plunge into a tree, from leaf to sap to insect.
Many thanks to SIBBERI plant waters for their generous contribution of birch water and maple water during the tasting.
Photo: © Vincent Baillais