Gérard Deschamps Homo Accessoirus

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Publication Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris

French version only

Hardback, 22 × 28 cm, 64 pages, 39 color reproductions

Text by Hélène Kelmachter
Interview with Gérard Deschamps

ISBN: 978-2-74271-822-1

Publication: April 1998

About the publication

Born in 1937 in Lyon, Gérard Deschamps joined the New Realism movement in 1961. The works presented in the exhibition Homo Accessoirus at the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain in 1998 are the prolongation of this movement: a mixture of brightly colored textiles hung or sewn in patchwork, like images of a new coloration of the world.
Presenting 30 creations inspired by surf culture as well as plastic objects in fluorescent hues, realized between 1986 and 1990, the exhibition catalog explores the way in which New Realism and Gérard Deschamps approached their own exploitation of reality.